clogged sewer line

When it comes to a clogged sewer line, preventive maintenance can save you thousands in repairs.

It’s important that you check for the below signs regularly.

Signs You May Have a Clogged Sewer Line

Below are some signs that you might possibly have a clogged sewer line. These can be diagnosed by yourself or a trusted friend.

1. More Than One Drain Is Backed Up

If you only have just one drain that’s clogged and acting up, you should be fine. Clear out the drain like you normally would and you’re good to go.

However, if you clear one drain out and you’re finding that a few other drains in your home are clogged and acting up, your main sewer line may be the culprit.

Your drain is set up similar to a tree, where the main sewer line is the trunk, and all of your drains in your home are the branches that feed into this main sewer line.

You’ll want to check all of the drains to see if there is clogging in multiple areas at once.

2. Your Toilet is Acting Up

If your toilet is acting up while you use other appliances that require water, like your dishwasher or your washing machine.

Specifically, you’ll want to be aware of any gurgling noises happening in your toilet. In a functioning system, air-flows freely, down and out into your community sewer system.

But when there’s a clog close to the toilet or farther down the mainline, the build-up causes air to flow backward back up the line, causing the gurgling noise.

3. Water Close to Your Sewer Line’s Cleanout Pipe

Your cleanout pipe is usually a pipe that allows direct access to your main sewer line. This line allows plumbers to diagnose specific problems without having to dig up the line, saving them time and you money.

The cleanout is coloured black or white and placed in an unobtrusive place. It can be out in your yard or somewhere nearby. 

If you think you may have a clog, check your cleanout and see if there is any water or pooling near or around your cleanout. This, along with the other signs, may indicate you have a clog in your line.

4. Multiple Large Trees In or Around Your Yard

Here’s one that is a rather indirect indicator but can be a potential sign. In fact, it is one of the more common forms of clogging when it comes to main sewer line problems.

Once you find your cleanout pipe, try to visualize where your main sewer line runs. Now look for any trees that are nearby that might grow to potentially obstruct that line. 

You might not know exactly, but if you happen to have a few large trees in proximity of your sewage line, it is a potential culprit to your clog. 

Get an Expert to Help

The earlier you diagnose a clogged sewer line the better you are at avoiding costly problems.

If you think you might be dealing with a potential sewage problem, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.