boiler repair

How much did your boiler cost to purchase and install? Are you ready to incur that cost again soon? Well, that’s the question you should always ask yourself when you ignore boiler maintenance and repair.

Boilers, just like any other appliances, are bound to malfunction every once in a while. You should know how to spot signs indicating your boiler needs a fix. If you don’t, boiler problems can be potentially dangerous and costly when left unaddressed.

Read on to learn the common indicators that you need boiler repair services:

1. Weird Boiler Noises

Strange noises coming from your boiler is one of the key indicators that something isn’t right with your system. All boilers make some normal noise that you’ll get used to with time. However, if you hear some sounds that are far from the norm, your boiler may need repair.

Banging, knocking, whistling, gurgling, and clunking noises are signs of danger. These noises could be caused by a faulty heat pump, loose pipes, damaged fan, blocked system, or broken heat exchanger. If left unattended, these problems could cause more damage to the entire heating system and become costly to repair.

Call in a home boiler repair technician to diagnose your system and find the source of any weird noise.

2. Strange Odors

If your boiler system is gas-powered, it could experience leakages. A gas leak is hazardous and should be checked out immediately. If you smell a rotten egg-like odor emanating from your boiler, call a professional repair technician right away.

Dark spots around the boiler’s casing are also an indicator that your boiler is leaking gas. Don’t put your family at risk by hesitating to call in a boiler repair expert!

3. Water Leakages

If you notice wet patches around your boiler or its piping, your boiler has a malfunction. A leaking boiler is a liability and a clear indication that a bigger problem is waiting to happen. A faulty internal component is often the cause of a water leak.

4. Slow or No Water Heating

If you notice that water from your hot water taps is taking a long time to heat, you could have a problem with your boiler’s circulation system. You could also have a problem with your boiler if your central heating system isn’t functioning at its optimal potential.

There could be many reasons why your water isn’t heating, and if you can’t find an answer to the problem, contact a professional. Don’t keep your family in the cold while you can call in for emergency repairs.

5. High Energy Bills

Sudden rises in energy bills could be an indication that your boiler is malfunctioning. If your boiler has become inefficient, it will use more fuel to produce the usual amount of heat required in your home. If a boiler is too old and inefficient, consider replacing it with a newer energy star-certified model.

Don’t Ignore Signs Showing You Need Boiler Repair!

Preventative maintenance is the best solution to common boiler problems. However, if you notice any of the above signs, don’t hesitate to call in for boiler repair services.

A well functioning boiler will save you money, keep your family comfortable, and serve you for a long time!

emergency heating repair

Is your furnace trying to tell you something? Furnaces often give many warning signs before they shut down completely, costing homeowners a costly emergency heating repair. Some of these conditions can be dangerous if they are ignored.

Read on for five signs that your furnace is telling you that it needs help.

1. Carbon Monoxide Detectors Are Sounding

It’s important to keep carbon monoxide (CO) detectors near your furnace. A CO leak is a life-threatening emergency. If your CO detector is sounding, turn off the furnace, open all windows, and evacuate the house.

Call your fire department to measure CO levels. Once you can return safely inside your home, arrange an emergency heating service call. Your furnace needs immediate evaluation by a trained professional.

Symptoms of CO poisoning include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Confusion
  • Weakness in your muscles
  • Flu-like symptoms

Grab your dogs and cats on the way out. Their smaller sizes mean they will be overcome by CO much faster than humans.

2. You Smell Heating Fuel or See Signs of a Leak

If you smell natural gas or heating oil, you may have a potentially dangerous leak. Heating oil and gas odors are signs of a heating system malfunction. If you see any signs of a leak or smell gas or oil, shut the system down and call for help immediately.

3. Loud Noises

Alarming noises coming from your furnace or boiler should never be ignored.

  • Banging or Booming
  • Whistling or Squealing
  • Rattling
  • Humming
  • Rumbling

These noises mean something potentially dangerous is happening in your heating system. They may mean that your system is about to break down and cost you an emergency heating repair.

4. No Warm Air

If your furnace is running but there is no heat, your system needs to be evaluated by your heating service provider. Do not try to continue to run the furnace. Trying to use this system can result in permanent damage to the heating system.

5. Electrical Issues

A furnace that trips fuses or will not turn on indicates some type of electrical issue. Other signs your furnace is causing electrical issues are:

  • Dimming lights while furnace runs
  • Buzzing
  • “Electrical burning” smells
  • Wiring that looks corroded or burnt
  • Sparking from any electrical connections

Costs of an Emergency Heating Repair

Depending on what is wrong with the furnace, it may be a costly emergency heating repair service call. There is the cost of the service call itself as well as parts and labor. The repair could be as simple as a clogged filter or as costly as a blower.

Heating repair companies offer payment options, including credit card payments. Check to see if the company offers to finance for the repairs.

Schedule a Routine Heating Service Call

The best way to prevent an emergency heating repair is to make sure your system is ready before you need it. Let a heating service and repair technician evaluate your heating system to spot potential problems.

If your heating system isn’t working right, give us a call so you’re not left out in the cold.

sewer maintenance

If you’re a homeowner, you’ll be aware of the burden that comes with maintaining a property – cleaning gutters, changing AC filters, exterminating pests, etc., but have you ever done any home sewer maintenance?

If not, that needs to change.

Here’s why.

What’s a Home Sewer Line?

In short, a home sewer line is where all your plumbing lines connect.

By this we mean, all your sinks, showers baths, toilets, etc. These all filter out using the same path.

From there the waste travels away from your home and eventually links to your neighborhood’s central sewer system.

Needless to say, it’s important we maintain our sewer lines to avoid clogging. This can lead to a back up of filth and other harmful substances, which isn’t only gross, but it can also cause significant property damage if a flood ensues.

Here are two tips to avoid this happening:

1. Avoid Clogging the Line

The easiest way to prevent clogging is to be very careful with what you put down your drains. So, we recommend thoroughly scraping your dinner plates before putting them in the sink to soak.

More importantly, never pour grease down the drain. When it cools, it becomes solid and starts to stick to the lining of your pipes. Instead, drain it into a container, allow it to cool, and then throw it out in the trash.

We also urge you not to flush anything other than sewerage and toilet paper down your lavatories – as again, this can lead to clogs.

2. Reduce Your Water Pressure

We all love high water pressure when taking a morning shower. However, this inflicts undue stress on your pipes – which increases the likelihood of a potential leak.

You should note: installing a low-flow showerhead doesn’t decrease the pressure inflicted on your pipes. Instead, it only impacts the amount of water coming out of the showerhead.

You can monitor your home’s water pressure by measuring it. Just purchase a hose bib gauge from your local hardware store (these usually cost under $10).

Then attach it to your outside spigot and ensure the line is open. You want to see a reading between 40 and 85 psi (that’s normal for water pressure).

However, if it’s above that, you’ll probably need to get advice from a professional plumber.

Upon inspecting the situation, they may find a pressure reducer is necessary to fix things. This will most likely set you back around $400, which may seem like an expense, but it’s certainly cheaper than a flooded home!

Have Your Learned Something About Sewer Maintenance?

We hope having read this article; you now have a better idea about the importance of sewer maintenance.

If you need a helping hand with this task, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. One of the many services we offer is sewer repair, and we’d love to steer you in the right direction when it comes to your home sewer line. Speak soon!